Community Solar: Is It Worth the Impact?
In a world focused on environmental awareness, the introduction of new ideas and solutions come with heavy expectations from consumers. Community solar is no exception. Knowing the environmental impact, or carbon footprint can either make or break the project. However, our team at Renewables Worldwide is excited to offer you information on community solar and the benefit it provides not only to you, but also to the environment.
Traditional Energy Sourcing
To begin our journey, we feel we should take a moment to describe traditional energy sourcing. Conventional energy is sourced from fossil fuels like natural gas and coal. Both are elements that emit high amounts of harmful gases when burned to create usable energy. Furthermore, as finite resources, or non-renewable resources, these resources become nearly impossible to replace at pace with the demand.
Solar energy is clean energy.
Unlike sources of traditional energy that create pollution, community solar energy is a renewable source generated from the sun. As a natural resource, solar gardens collect the sun’s energy and feeds it back into existing electrical infrastructures. This helps to eliminate an estimated 5 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions each year.
If you’re not familiar with the effects of carbon dioxide on the environment, read on.
Although this element is a natural greenhouse gas, in excess carbon dioxide is a significant contributor to the greenhouse effect with some of the highest levels of emissions known. Carbon dioxide absorbs heat that would otherwise travel beyond the Earth’s atmosphere into space. Therefore, as more thermal energy is becoming trapped inside of the atmosphere, the Earth’s core temperature continues to increase – otherwise known as global warming.
As one of the highest contributors to climate change, carbon dioxide must be controlled for future sustainability.
Water Preservation
Another major downside to traditional energy sourcing is the strain it puts upon our water sources. From the utilization of water for functionality to the dismissal of toxic wastes back into the water source, traditional energy wreaks havoc on natural water sources that production plants surround.
However, solar energy requires little to no water for adequate functionality. Therefore, solar community energy is not only preserving our natural water sources from depletion, but also from pollution.
Community Solar with Renewables Worldwide
Although these are just a few examples of how community solar can positively affect the environment, there are several more. For more information, contact our team at Renewables Worldwide, Inc. today (978) 697-6907.